POSSIBLY IN MICHIGAN (of all things!!!) is a popular TikTok meme I am absolutely losing my mind right now! /ek1gDPeVVY But it exploded, and they were both found dead.’ In the scene, the work’s two protagonists, Sharon and Janice, are trying out perfumes in a mall, and singsong-talk: ‘this one here smells great / which one? / smells like mother’s crazy sister Kate / oh you think so? / it smells so good she couldn’t have been so crazy, I don’t think so / oh, you don’t think so? Well, she put her poodle one time in a microwave oven / to eat it? / oh, no no no no no no silly, to dry it. Almost terrified.’ Shreir shared a screenshot of the text message to Twitter in response to film curator Chris Osborn posting, confused and delighted, a short video taken off the social media app TikTok of two teenage girls miming a song from the second minute of Possibly in Michigan. ‘When Possibly was on the first page of Reddit, it was amazing,’ Condit told Daniella Shreir, editor of feminist film journal Another Gaze over a text message, ‘I was so confused. ‘Oooooh, abandoned house all alone in the woods.’ ‘A baby doll hanging from a tree, did a ghost do dat?’ ‘A photo I took made my eyes red, no logic can explain’.’ Truely creepy in my opinion.’ How_is_this_relevant answered, ‘This sub prefers predictable, cookie-cutter halloween creepy. It is probably because it is a video and they don’t do well on r/creepy. ’ Possibly In Michigan sparked a conversation about what kind of creepiness gets attention: user spider_cereal said, ‘I do not understand why this is not getting more up votes. At first it was funny in a weird way, but then it was really off-putting.

It was the most fucking disturbing thing I’ve ever seen.

A user called LikeMyMen posted a Youtube excerpt of the work to the subreddit r/creepy, saying: ‘Possibly the creepiest thing I've ever watched.’ The thread it started ended up on the front page of Reddit, with 4000 upvotes and 868 comments including observations like, ‘I watched this entire film in my video art class. The first time American video artist Cecelia Condit’s 12-minute film Possibly in Michigan(1983) found some online attention was back in 2015. Cecelia Condit, Possibly in Michigan, 1983, film still.